Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Love Being A Woman

A friend of mine is visiting me, and while having one of our many heart to heart conversations, she surprised me by saying …If there is rebirth; I want to be born a man, and not a woman. And I thought to myself…no, I love being a woman and I would love to be born a woman again. I have been pondering ever since - what is it that makes me feel like a woman, what does being a woman mean to me, and above all why do I love being a woman.

Being a woman is a difficult task, more so in today’s world. No more are we put on a pedestal, but we have to combine marriage, children, home, and a career. Nobody wants to hear what we think; we cannot have a career unless it is for the financial stability for the family. In spite of the fact a woman is called “Ardhangini” once married, we still have to find ways to express our self. In a patriarchal world, finding one's voice is difficult……but we manage fairly well.

There is so much to being a woman…..monthly cycles, while a man would struggle with it, we women have learnt to accept it willingly, becaz that’s tied to the most beautiful experience...childbirth..Our greatest achievement.

And the other great achievement is … we willingly accept we are weak [though the feminists would disagree] but weak we are maybe only physically…Our inner strength, resilience, ability to laugh even when hurting inside…. letting our tears flow freely, and also be able to giggle uncontrollably…..all this comes so easy to us. What would the world be, but cold and impersonal but for our feminine touch?

There is so much to being a woman…and yes I love it all. My moods, my ability not to understand it all, my quirks, and my ability to keep quiet even when I know it all. When I am depressed I eat or shop, I have learnt that nobody shall give me power, I just have it within me, and I make the choice not to take it... Oh yes, I am full of contradictions, and yet I can get away with it all. I have not made the rules [they say men have] so I do not have to live upto them.

I can be beautiful, be an illusion, wear my tears like a piece of jewellery, hide my brains, speak the language of silence and say it all, my touch is better than a bandage at times[ say my kids], my instincts are better than my reasons, my weakness is also my strength. I know less but understand more, and I always have the last word. I as a woman can say sorry with my smiles and tears. My strengths - even though hidden, have their influence. I have the power to make life and above all to make it worthwhile….yes I love being a woman. The list is endless...And so I love being a woman, and yes I would love to be born again and again as a woman.


N said...

The last para is awesome :)
Yes love being a woman.
Love that no man has the ability to understand me :D

Indyeah said...

You have said it all:)
I can be beautiful, be an illusion, wear my tears like a piece of jewellery, hide my brains, speak the language of silence and say it all, my touch is better than a bandage at times[ say my kids], my instincts are better than my reasons, my weakness is also my strength. I know less but understand more, and I always have the last word. I as a woman can say sorry with my smiles and tears. My strengths - even though hidden, have their influence. I have the power to make life and above all to make it worthwhile….yes I love being a woman. The list is endless...And so I love being a woman, and yes I would love to be born again and again as a woman.


J P Joshi said...

"I know less but understand more, and I always have the last word." No doubts about that, and have no problems with that, too!!! Enjoyed reading this post.... Keep writing.... hopefully then you won't grudge my blogging :)

Poonam J said...

Indyeah N....One can never say enough on what being a woman is all about..I Am My Own Woman..and I say it with pride...
Joe...I might be strange and incomprehensible...but thats Me..My Own Woman..and Yours...Once again the last word.

Poonam J said...
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Piper .. said...

what a beautiful post Mam! I`m going to forward this to my friends! :) I love being a woman too!

Just call me 'A' said...

I am so glad I'm a woman and I would never, never want to be born a man. I applaud womanhood.

Poonam J said...

Piper Thanx, am glad you liked the post.

A...Welcome....I had an endless list, but had to say it in a few words.Yes ,i applaud women too...only we have the ability to say it all with a sigh or glance.

Renu said...

I love being a woman and would like to be reborn as whatever god wants me to be.

Poonam J said...

Hi Renu....Welcome.......My wants are mine, the rest naturally depends on God...His judgement I respect. But if I have the choice...being born a woman it is.