Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Love of A Lifetime

Love came to him, in the river.

She flowed towards him..........
All peaceful and serene.

He swam towards her.........
Knowing his love would last.

All that was unspoken ..............
would be in the past.

With the silent river she flowed ..........
towards the sea.

He drowned thinking................
this love was not to be.

Enjoyed doing this 55 er....

A literary work will be considered 55 Fiction if it has:

  • Fifty-five words or less (A non-negotiable rule)

  • A setting,

  • One or more characters,

  • Some conflict,

  • and

  • A resolution. (Not limited to moral of the story)

[The image above has been uploaded from Google Images Search.In case of any objection to its use to this post, it shall be removed.]


Solilo said...

This is actually a poetic 55-er and kudos for a job well done.

So touching! Love your posts which always come from heart.

Indyeah said...

and it was only wiht the last line that I realised that it was a 55er..:)
you have done it beautifully:)

love the new look too:)


Poonam J said...

Hi Solilo...thanx. Me trying with inspiration from many other bloggers.

Hi Indyeah.....u loved the new look... the other one was giving me technical problems. As for the 55er...i tried, am glad you like it. Thanx, again.

Sahaja said...

thats the first poetic 55er i have read!! as Indeyah said, only in last line did I realise its 55 er...great take!

Poonam J said...

Hi Sahaja.........welcome...am glad u like my attempt at being poetic....shall be better the next time.Thanks.

N said...

That was lovely... :)

Poonam J said...

Thanks N....for making the time to read what with a 10 day old kid......Hugs.

Unknown said...

Poetic. Beautiful. Original.